Robert Lloyd-搜索结果

  • 莫扎特《魔笛》 The Magic Flute


    导演:詹姆斯·莱文   编剧:朱丽·泰莫

    主演:Gunn, Erika Miklósa, Wendy Bryn Harmer, Kate Lindsey, Tamara Mumford, Stephen Paynter, Kenneth Floyd, Robert

      埃及王子塔米诺(约瑟夫·凯泽 Joseph Kaiser 饰)在临危受难之际得到了夜女王的拯救,夜女王将自己的女儿帕米纳(Amy Carson 饰)的肖像拿给塔米诺看,美丽的帕米纳一下子就俘虏了王子的心。夜女王告诉王子,帕米纳被一位名叫萨拉斯特罗(勒内·帕佩 René Pape 饰)的男子给掳走了,如果王子能够将自己的女儿平安的带回来,就把帕米纳许配给他为妻,塔米诺欣然应允。

  • 帕西法尔 Parsifal

    类型:剧情, 音乐

    导演:汉斯-于尔根·西贝尔伯格   编剧:理夏德·瓦格纳

    主演:Armin Jordan, Robert Lloyd, Michael Kutter, 埃迪特·克莱韦, Karin Krick

      Plot Summary for
      Parsifal (1982)
      Richard Wagner's last opera has remained controversial since its first performance for its unique, and, for some, unsavory blending of religious and erotic themes and imagery. Based on one of the medieval epic romances of King Arthur and the search for the holy grail (the chalice touched by the lips of Christ at the last supper), it recounts ove...

  • 古诺《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 "The Metropolitan Opera HD Live" Gounod's Romeo et Juliette


    导演:Gary Halvorson   编剧:

    主演:Anna Netrebko, Roberto Alagna, Nathan Gunn, Isabel Leonard, Robert Lloyd

      Gounod follows Shakespeare's story closely, with minor alterations to satisfy the needs of opera. The stage and scenery are filled with astronomical symbols to depict the tragedy of "star-crossed lovers" from two warring houses in Verona.

  • 西部女郎 La Fanciulla del West

    类型:剧情, 音乐

    导演:约翰·沃侬   编剧:大卫·贝拉斯科, Guelfo Civinini, Carlo Zarigarini

    主演:Plácido Domingo, Carol Neblett, Silvano Carroli, Francis Egerton, Robert Lloyd

  • 穆索尔斯基 歌剧《鲍里斯·戈都诺夫》 Mussorgsky - Boris Godunov


    导演:Humphrey Burton / Andrei Tarkovsky   编剧:普希金 Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai M. Karamzin, Modest Mussorgsky

    主演:Robert Lloyd, Olga Borodina, Sergei Leiferkus


  • 威尔第 歌剧《西蒙·波卡捏拉》 Verdi - Simon Boccanegra


    导演:布莱恩·拉奇   编剧:

    主演:基丽·蒂·卡纳瓦, 弗拉基米尔·切尔诺夫, Robert Lloyd, 普拉西多·多明戈, Hao Jiang Tian 田浩江

  • 柏辽兹歌剧《特洛伊人》 Berlioz: Les Troyens


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Deborah Polaski, Jon Villars, Russell Braun, Yvonne Naef, Robert Lloyd, Orchestre de Paris, Sylvain Cambreling


  • 2008年大都会歌剧院乐季开幕 弗莱明主演三部折子戏《茶花女》《玛侬》《随想曲》选场 The Metropolitan Opera HD Live: Season 3, Episode 1 Opening Night Gala Starring Renée Fleming

    类型:音乐, 舞台艺术

    导演:加里·哈勒沃尔森   编剧:

    主演:蕾妮·弗莱明, Marco Armiliato, Dwayne Croft, Thomas Hampson, James Levine, Robert Lloyd, Paul Plishka, Ramón